As John R. Cross describes it during the Intro. in The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus”:

“The Bible is:

  1. A collection of 66 books;

  2. Written over a 1500 year span;

  3. Written over 40 generations;

  4. Written by more than 40 authors, from every walk of life–including kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars, etc.

    1. Moses, a political leader, trained in the universities of Egypt

    2. Peter, a fisherman

    3. Amos, a herdsman

    4. Joshua, a military general

    5. Nehemiah, a cupbearer

    6. Daniel, a prime minister

    7. Luke, a doctor

    8. Solomon, a king

    9. Matthew, a tax collector

    10. Paul a rabbi

  5. Written in different places:

    1. Moses in the wilderness

    2. Jeremiah in a dungeon

    3. Daniel on a hillside and in a palace

    4. Paul inside a prison

    5. Luke while traveling

    6. John on the isle of Patmos

    7. Others in the rigors of a military campaign

  6. Written at different times:

    1. David in times of war

    2. Solomon in times of peace

  7. Written during different moods: some writing from the heights of joy and others from the depths of sorrow and despair

  8. Written on 3 continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe

  9. Written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek

  10. Finally, its subject matter includes hundreds of controversial topics. Yet, the Biblical authors spoke with harmony and authority from Genesis to Revelation. This is one unfolding story…”

“What is the Bible?” - KCMI’s “Ask the Pastor” 5/7/2024 - Pastors Gary Hashley and Tim Hebbert.

“The Importance Of Scripture” KCMI's Ask The Pastor (6/17/24) Pastors Mike Clement, Andy Clement, and Michael Glebb.

“The Importance Of Scripture Continued” KCMI's Ask The Pastor (6/24/24) Pastors Mike Clement, David Clement, and Michael Glebb

 “What is the Bible?” - Matt Whitman

3 Minute Theology 2.2: How is the Bible Divinely Inspired?

“This is episode 1 of an ongoing series that explores the origins, content, and purpose of the Bible. Here you'll be introduced to a condensed history of how the Bible came into existence, and the different forms of the Bible in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian traditions.” - BibleProject