to Jan 9

Repeat Events

  • Christian Media Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
  • Sundays

    • The Rock Church hosts Rock Tweens for 3rd-5th graders on Sundays at 3pm. The Rock is located at 3515 5th Ave. in Scottsbluff.

    • Zion Evangelical Church hosts Awana for kids 3 years old through Jr. High on Sundays 3:30 – 5:30pm during the school year from Sept.-Apr. Zion is located at 3617 5th Ave. in Scottsbluff.




    • Harvest Valley Church's Awana meets at 6PM on Wednesdays at Harvest Valley Church: 743 Winter Creek Dr. in Scottsbluff (starting 9/4).

    • Grace Chapel's N.O.W. (No Other Way- but through Jesus) Program is for kids 4 years old through 5th grade. It takes place Wednesdays during the school year (starting Sept. 18th). If there is no school, there is no NOW. Doors open at 6:00pm, it starts at 6:15pm, and it goes until 7:45pm at Grace Chapel: 300 Valley View Drive, Scottsbluff.

    • Monument Bible Church hosts Awana for kids 3 years old-8th grade on Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00 pm. They are located at 4124 Ave. I in

    • First Baptist Church of Scottsbluff hosts a Youth Group on Wednesdays at 6pm. They are located at 3009 Avenue I in Scottsbluff.

    • WestWay Kids meets Wednesdays starting the last week of August going through the last week of April from 6 to 8pm. The whole family is welcome and they split into different ages after a community meal. Westway Christian Church is at 1701 W 27th St in Scottsbluff.

    • SONrise Church in Torrington hosts Collision Junior for 3rd-5th grades (kicks off on Sept. 4th). They meet from 6-7:15pm on Wednesdays and provide dinner at 7:15. They are located at 1100 East Valley Road in Torrington.

    • Gering Zion Church has JAM for Pre-K-5th grade kids at 6:15pm on Wednesdays (starting Sept. 18th). They are located at 1100 O St in Gering. With any questions contact Doug & Vicki Keener 641-3839; 641-7969.

    • Calvary Lutheran has JAM for K-6th Grade at 5:30pm on Wednesdays (starting Sept. 4th). They are located at 17 E 27th St. in Scottsbluff.




    • Monument Bible Church hosts IGNITE Youth Sundays from 5:30-8:00pm at the church, starting Sept. 15th. Students in grades 7th-12th are invited to attend! They are located at 4124 Ave. I in Scottsbluff.

    • The Rock Church hosts Rock Youth for 6th-12th grades on Sundays at 6pm. The Rock is located at 3515 5th Ave. in Scottsbluff.

    • First Baptist Church of Scottsbluff hosts a High School Bible Study on Sundays at 6:30pm. They are located at 3009 Avenue I in Scottsbluff.

    • Northfield Church hosts a youth group for 6th-12th grades on Sunday's from 6pm-8pm. Northfield is located at 2105 17th St. in Gering.

    • Zion Evangelical Church hosts Awana for kids 3 years old through Jr. High on Sundays 3:30 – 5:30pm during the school year from Sept.-Apr. Zion is located at 3617 5th Ave. in Scottsbluff.


    • Grace Chapel's Junior and Senior High Youth Group (grades 6th-12th) runs during the school year (September-May). If there is no school, there is no youth group. They meet on Mondays 6:30-8:15pm at Grace Chapel: 300 Valley View Drive, Scottsbluff.



    • Harvest Valley Church's Youth Group for Jr. and Sr. Highers meets at 6PM on Wednesdays at Harvest Valley Church: 743 Winter Creek Dr. in Scottsbluff (starting 9/4).

    • Mitchell Berean Church's Reach Youth Ministries for Jr. High (6th-8th Grades) takes place on Wednesdays from 6:00–7:30pm. For High School (9th-12th Grades) it is Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm. (Starting Aug. 28th) All of this is at the Youth Center: 2002 Center Avenue in Mitchell.

    • Zion Evangelical Church hosts a youth group for 6th–12th graders on Wednesdays at 6:30pm Sept.-Apr. during the school year. Zion is located at 3617 5th Ave. in Scottsbluff.

    • SONrise Church in Torrington hosts Collision Youth on Wednesdays. For 6th-8th grades (kicked off Aug. 21st). They meet from 6-7:15pm and have dinner at 7:15. For 9th-12th grades they meet for dinner at 7:15 and then have group from 7:45-9pm. They are located at 1100 East Valley Road in Torrington.

    • Alliance Berean Church's Middle school youth group meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:45pm (starting Sept. 11th) at the garage. Alliance Berean is located at 1639 Emerson Ave in Alliance.

    • WestWay Christian Church's Student Ministry for Jr. and Sr. High Students meets Wednesdays starting the last week of August going through the last week of April from 6 to 8pm. The whole family is welcome and they split into different ages after a community meal. WestWay Christian Church is at 1701 W 27th St in Scottsbluff.


    • Grace Chapel's High School (and adult) Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall at Grace Chapel, call the church (308-635-5433) for more info.


  • Sundays



    • The Bayard Church of Christ has a Ladies Bible Study on Tuesdays at 9:00am. They are located at 206 W. 15th St. in Bayard.

    • Zion Evangelical Church’s weekly Men’s and Women's separate Bible Studies take place on Tuesdays at noon. They are located at 3617 5th Ave. in Scottsbluff.


    • Harvest Valley Church has a Men's Bible study on Wednesdays at 7:30am. Harvest Valley is located at 743 Winter Creek Drive in Scottsbluff.

    • Calvary Lutheran has OWLS (Older Wiser Lutherans) at 12 noon on Wednesdays (starting Sept. 4th). They are located at 17 E 27th St. in Scottsbluff.

    • WestWay Christian Church hosts Wednesday at Westway for the whole family from 6 to 8pm. They split into different age groups and Bible Studies after a community meal. WestWay Christian Church is at 1701 W 27th St in Scottsbluff.


    • Grace Chapel's Adult and High School Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall at Grace Chapel, call the church (308-635-5433) for more info.

    • Harvest Valley Church has two Women's Bible studies on Thursdays; one at 10am and one at 5:30pm. Harvest Valley is located at 743 Winter Creek Drive in Scottsbluff.

    • Bayard Community Church will be starting their Men's Supper & Study on Thursday, Sept. 19th at 6:00 PM and will continue to take place 3rd Thursday of each month.

      A great meal will be served, followed by an in-depth Bible study on relevant topics. In the month of September, this study will take place at the Meier's cabin near Mitchell.

      And for the rest of the year, they will be meeting at the church in Bayard. For questions, please call the church at 308-586-2032.

    • Zion Evangelical Church hosts a weekly Bible Study on Thursdays at 7pm. They are located at 3617 5th Ave. in Scottsbluff (Sept.-Apr.)

    • There is a Men’s Fellowship Night at the Sure Shot Gun Range: 1346 10th St, Gering, on the 2nd Thursday of every month starting at 7pm.

      There are no charges for range use and firearms and targets will be provided for anyone who needs them. A Bible Study takes place after some non-competitive target shooting.

      For more information call (308) 633-2723. Or visit their Facebook Page: Sure Shot Gun Range LLC.



    • Mitchell Berean Church has a Men's Breakfast at the Worship Center at 7am every 3rd Saturday of the month. Located at 50680 Cook Oil Road in Mitchell.

  • Sundays



    • MomCo (formerly known as MOPS) in Scottsbluff meets on the 1ST & 3RD Tuesdays, 8:45-11:30am at Monument Bible Church: 4124 Avenue I in Scottsbluff. http://www.themom.co/groups/scottsbluffmops

    • MomCo (formerly known as MOPS) in Bridgeport meets the 2nd or 3rd Tuesdays 9-11am at First Baptist Church: 1402 T Street in Bridgeport.

    • MomCo (formerly known as MOPS) in Alliance meets the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month 8:30-10:30am at Alliance Berean Church: 1639 Emerson Ave. in Alliance.


    • Embrace Grace classes will meet Wednesdays from 6-8pm at Westway: 1701 West 27th Street in Scottsbluff. This is a 12 week course.

      Pregnant and need some support? Embrace Grace will help you process your excitement and/or grief, and find friends in a similar situation. Many of our leaders have been there, and would love to walk through it with you.

      Single mom and looking for some friends who understand? Embrace Life gives you a place to talk about work, relationships, motherhood and find friends to support you throughout the week.

      To register or to ask questions call (308)-635-2654. No single mom walks alone!



    • Celebrate Recovery meets at Harvest Valley Church on Fridays from 5:30-7:30 PM. At 5:30 a meal is provided. At 6:30 they have worship and testimonies. At 7:00 they break into male and female small groups. Harvest Valley Church is located at 743 Winter Creek Dr in Scottsbluff.


    • First Baptist Church of Scottsbluff will host the monthly Diaper Depot on the 4th Saturday of every month from 9 to 11am at the church located at 3009 Avenue I in Scottsbluff.

      Diapers in a variety of sizes will be available at no charge to anyone who as a need.

      If you have any questions please call the church at 308-635-2548 or visit First Baptist Diaper Depot on Facebook.

    • By God's Grace Mobile Meals prepares and delivers upwards of 500+ meals every other Saturday. Helping hands are always needed! Please consider volunteering 60 - 90 minutes to help plate the food or make deliveries.

      To get on a delivery route call Shanna at 631-3665. Or, to help plate and package meals, contact Harvest Valley Church by calling (308) 632-2543.

      They meet at Harvest Valley Church, 743 Winter Creek Drive in Scottsbluff, every other Saturday at 10:15 AM.

      If you know someone in need of a meal, please call that same phone number and we'll happily add them to the list. There is no criteria to meet....that you think a meal is needed is enough.

View Event →
Family Fun Night Fundraiser for Scottsbluff MomCo.
5:00 AM05:00

Family Fun Night Fundraiser for Scottsbluff MomCo.

The Annual Family Fun Night Fundraiser to benefit the Scottsbluff MomCo Chapter will take place on Thursday, April 3rd at Monument Bible Church!

5-7pm is the Pulled Pork Dinner and Penny Carnival

5-7:30pm is the Silent Auction

Adults and Kids cost $5 per person. Kids 2 years old and under are FREE. You can purchase tickets in advance from a MomCo member or buy them at the door.

Monument Bible Church is at 4124 Avenue I in Scottsbluff.

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Christian Skate Night
6:00 PM18:00

Christian Skate Night

Calling all churches, youth groups & Jesus lovers!
Zwetzig Skate & Bounce is now providing a skate night where you can join in fellowship at a safe place and enjoy Christian music!

This happens the second Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM and admission is $5.

Zwetzig Skate and Bounce is located at 775 Crescent Drive in Gering.

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Community Easter Egg Hunt - Grace Chapel's 9th Annual
10:00 AM10:00

Community Easter Egg Hunt - Grace Chapel's 9th Annual

Grace Chapel's 9th Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, April 19th at 10am.

Rain or shine - join us at Grace Chapel - 300 Valley View Drive, just off of 5th Ave and Hwy 26.

We would like to invite the entire community out to join us!

  • Announcements will begin at 10am with hunt to immediately follow.

  • All are welcome ages 1 to 11 years old! Kids will be divided up by age. Best of all, it's free!

  • Please bring your own basket to fill.

  • Parents are asked to only help kids 2 years old and under, otherwise feel free to stay back and take pictures, but do not help grab eggs.

  • Special prize eggs will be hidden in each age group and redeemable immediately! (Details announced at the beginning of the hunt)

  • New and exciting prizes this year -- make sure to keep checking back on our Facebook page for prize sneak peaks!

  • Immediately following the hunt please take a minute to empty your plastic eggs and return them to the bins provided to allow us to use them again for next year!

We are excited to have Lemon Love and the Snowie Bus joining us this year!!

Questions - please contact Kate Schmer 308-672-5971 text or call! Se

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Community Christian School 35 Year Alumni Reunion
6:00 PM18:00

Community Christian School 35 Year Alumni Reunion

To celebrate 35 years of our beloved school, Community Christian School is hosting a reunion.

Former students, families, and faculty are invited to attend this special dinner at the Scottsbluff Country Club. It will be a evening of fellowship and fun as current and former "CCSers" catch up, look at memorabilia, and even have the opportunity to partake in an alumni choir.

The Special Guest is former Principal Carl Laws.

Dinner tickets cost $20 per person.

Free childcare is available 5:30-8:30pm.

CCS is open for tours 4:30-5:45pm.

RSVP by visiting www.ccsneb.com/alumni , the deadline is April 20th.

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Tenth Avenue North and Natalie Layne Concert at Mitchell Berean Church
6:00 PM18:00

Tenth Avenue North and Natalie Layne Concert at Mitchell Berean Church

Tenth Avenue North and Natalie Layne are coming to town!

Get ready for an unforgettable night of worship and inspiration - The Invited Tour is coming to Mitchell Berean Church on May 4th at 6pm- doors open at 5pm.

Mitchell Berean Church is located at 50680 Cook Oil Road in Mitchell

Click here to purchase tickets.

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Christian Skate Night
6:00 PM18:00

Christian Skate Night

Calling all churches, youth groups & Jesus lovers!
Zwetzig Skate & Bounce is now providing a skate night where you can join in fellowship at a safe place and enjoy Christian music!

This happens the second Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM and admission is $5.

Zwetzig Skate and Bounce is located at 775 Crescent Drive in Gering.

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Festival of Hope
7:00 AM07:00

Festival of Hope

Come together to recognize family and friends that have battled cancer and raise funds for community members who are currently battling cancer.

This will be June 14th from 7am to noon at Grace Chapel: 300 Valley View Drive in Scottsbluff.

There is a new location and there will be both new and traditional events, including:

  • 5K Walk/Run

  • Live and Silent Auctions

  • Kids’ Activities

  • Butterfly Sales

  • Live Butterfly Release

  • So Much More

Follow the Festival of Hope Facebook page for upcoming details (click here).

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Horizon Music Festival 2025
to Aug 31

Horizon Music Festival 2025

Horizon Music Festival is the ultimate summer experience for Christian music lovers. This TICKET FREE Event runs for two days over Labor Day weekend, this festival brings together the best Christian artists from around the world in one electrifying celebration of faith and music. With activities and games for all ages, and a Sunday morning community worship service the festival provides non-stop entertainment and fun for everyone.

Zach Williams will be headlining Horizon Music Festival on Sunday night of Labor Day weekend! Get ready for a powerful night of music as this incredible artist takes the stage in Gering, Nebraska! Zach's soulful voice and inspiring songs are sure to create an unforgettable experience. More artists will be announced soon!

For more information visit horizonmusicfest.org.

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Christian Skate Night
6:00 PM18:00

Christian Skate Night

Calling all churches, youth groups & Jesus lovers!
Zwetzig Skate & Bounce is now providing a skate night where you can join in fellowship at a safe place and enjoy Christian music!

This happens the second Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM and admission is $5.

Zwetzig Skate and Bounce is located at 775 Crescent Drive in Gering.

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MOSO Stomp (Mother Son Dance)
6:00 PM18:00

MOSO Stomp (Mother Son Dance)

The annual Mother & Son dance hosted by Community Christian School is Saturday, March 8th from 6-8pm at the Hampton Inn in Scottsbluff.

It cost $35 for each mother son duo and $10 for each additional boy.

New this year is an optional dinner and etiquette lesson before the dance begins, at 5:15pm. Adult meal tickets are $20 and kids 10 and under are $15 for a Pasta Bar Dinner. (These meal add on tickets are required to be purchased by March 3rd)

Tickets are available in person at Riverstone Bank and Community Christian School, or online at www.ccsneb.com/fundraisers-and-events .

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Women's Retreat 2025
to Mar 9

Women's Retreat 2025

  • Maranatha Bible Camp (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

There is a Women’s Retreat at Maranatha Bible Camp March 7th - 9th.

The worship leader for the weekend is Christina Boehr from Mitchell Berean Church and the speaker will be JaCee Petko. She will be speaking about “Habits of the Godly Heart.”.

It will be a fun weekend of fellowship and deep study through God’s Word.

The cost for the weekend depends on your choice of housing.

Click here for more information and to register.

Maranatha Bible Camp is located at 16800 E Maranatha Rd Maxwell, NE.

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Faith Lutheran Preschool Chili Cook-Off
4:00 PM16:00

Faith Lutheran Preschool Chili Cook-Off

Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool is hosting their very first Chili Cook-off fundraiser. There will be a chili dinner, cinnamon rolls, and a live & silent auction throughout the night. Admission is $5/person or $20/family. The silent and live auction includes items from the congregation such as hand crafted wood boxes, smoked brisket, a turkey-hunt coupon, flower arrangement, and various baskets of items. The auction will begin at 5:30 PM while the chili is being voted on. Join Faith Lutheran Church for a time of music, fun, & fellowship.

The church is located at 2055 U street in Gering. And with any questions, contact Marleen at 308-275-1053.

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Hallelujah Festival Choir Auditions
3:00 PM15:00

Hallelujah Festival Choir Auditions

4th through 8th grade Believers are invited to apply for the Hallelujah Festival Choir which is being hosted by Community Christian School.

Singers will rehearse a program of sacred music culminating in a public concert on May 10th in Scottsbluff.  Rehearsals will be the evening of Friday, May 9th and all day Saturday May, 10th. 

Applicants need to visit the event page by clicking here for the link and complete each of the following:

  1. Carefully read the HFC Information pages

  2. Record your audition

  3. Fill out Application and attach audition

​The application deadline has been extended to February 24th. All applicants will be notified by March 1st with the final list of accepted singers. 

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The Legacy Grandparenting Summit at Westway
8:00 AM08:00

The Legacy Grandparenting Summit at Westway

The Legacy Grandparenting Summit Simulcast will be hosted by Westway Christian Church: 1701 W 27th St, in Scottsbluff, on Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 starting at 8am MST.

Experience the only national conference on Christian grandparenting.

This year’s theme for the Summit, “For this Purpose”, will empower grandparents to embrace their divine purpose and the crucial role they play in their families’ spiritual journey.

At the Legacy Grandparenting Summit, you will::

  • Receive wisdom and direction: Hear from an incredible lineup of speakers across eight different sessions.

  • Find practical resources: Explore a full Resource Center at the live site, and our products at most sites.

  • Gain comfort in community: Gather with many other grandparents who want to build their spiritual legacy.

Click here to purchase tickets and register.

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11:30 AM11:30

No Food Pantry!

  • Cornerstone Fellowship Assembly of God (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Due to weather restrictions, Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Bayard is not having their food pantry today. However, their next food pantry day will be, Thursday February 20th. For more information, call the church at 308-586-1340

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Violin/Piano Concert with Kevin & Heidi Cheng
6:30 PM18:30

Violin/Piano Concert with Kevin & Heidi Cheng

  • Mitchell Evangelical Free Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Violin and Piano duo, Kevin & Heidi Cheng, will be performing at the Mitchell E-Free Church on Saturday, February 15th at 6:30 PM. It will be a free-will donation event with a great environment and beautiful music! Mitchell E-Free Church is located at 150037 Experiment Farm Road in Mitchell, Nebraska.

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Christian Skate Night
6:00 PM18:00

Christian Skate Night

Calling all churches, youth groups & Jesus lovers!
Zwetzig Skate & Bounce is now providing a skate night where you can join in fellowship at a safe place and enjoy Christian music!

This happens the second Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM and admission is $5.

Zwetzig Skate and Bounce is located at 775 Crescent Drive in Gering.

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"The Speak of Love" tour Concert. David Phelps and Mickey Bel
7:00 PM19:00

"The Speak of Love" tour Concert. David Phelps and Mickey Bel

Get ready for an evening of unforgettable gospel music! Two of the most beloved voices in Christian music, David Phelps and Mickey Bell, are coming to the Midwest Theater in Scottsbluff, NE for a special concert event.

David Phelps, known for his powerful vocals and captivating stage presence, has been a mainstay in Christian music for over two decades. Mickey Bell, a comedian, is sure to make you laugh.

Together, Phelps and Bell will deliver a night of inspiring music and comedy that will uplift and move you. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to see two of the best in Christian music live in concert!

Tickets can be bought by clicking the link provided here.

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Valley Christian School 32nd Annual Dinner and Auction Event
4:30 PM16:30

Valley Christian School 32nd Annual Dinner and Auction Event

  • Goshen County Rendezvous Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come for a fun night of food, fun and fundraising to support Valley Christian School. Enjoy a delicious BBQ dinner and silent auction starting at 4:30 PM, followed by an exciting live auction at 6:00 PM. Tickets are $10 per individual or $35 for the whole family. Don’t miss this wonderful community event!

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Conference at the Chuck Wagon Church
6:00 PM18:00

Conference at the Chuck Wagon Church

“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” Conference will be at the Chuck Wagon Church on Friday the 31st of January at 6:00 pm.

There will be live music, testimony, and a meal

Guest Speaker- Ruth Meintz

There will be a prize for the best dressed cowboy or cowgirl.

The Chuckwagon Church is at 1408 East 12th street in Scottsbluff.

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"Hear the Story. Be Moved." A Todd Becker Presentation
7:00 PM19:00

"Hear the Story. Be Moved." A Todd Becker Presentation

On January 22, 2025, the Todd Becker Foundation will be bringing their presentation, "Hear the Story. Be Moved." to the Sidney High School. The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the gymnasium. Doors open at 6:40 PM, with the event starting at 7:00 PM. The night will feature a live concert from the band "All the Noise", followed by an impactful and life-changing message from Keith Becker. The High School is located at 1100 19th Ave, Sidney, NE.

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Monument Bible Chili & Cinnamon Roll Cook and Game Night
6:00 PM18:00

Monument Bible Chili & Cinnamon Roll Cook and Game Night

Get ready to warm up a chilly winter night with a Chili and Cinnamon Roll Cook Off & Game Night at the Monument Bible Church on Saturday, January 18th at 6:00 p.m.!! Everyone is welcome to bring a dish or to just come and taste test. We will have awards for BEST Red Chili, BEST White Chili, BEST Spiciest, as well as BEST Cinnamon Rolls and PEOPLE'S CHOICE. Bring your finest to the gym for our judges to decide on the winners! If you have any questions about the cook-off call Heath or Kinsey Senkel at 214-842-3441 or 308-672-0219.

THEN, if you like to play games....stay around following the Cook Off for a GAME NIGHT! Please bring a few of your board games & card games to share, if you have some.

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CCS Enchilada Fundraiser
to Jan 26

CCS Enchilada Fundraiser

  • Community Christian School (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Community Christian School’s Enchilada Fundraiser is currently taking place.

  • 1 dozen cheese enchiladas are $20

  • 1 quart pork chili is $15

You can order online through January 26th by clicking the link provided here in our calendar page or by calling the school office at 308-632-2230.

If you want your online order to help a specific family reach their goal: Go to the “Navigate” tab and select “Students”, then search for the name of the eldest CCS student in that family.

Orders can be picked February 4th from noon to 7:30pm or on February 5th from 9am-7:30pm in the CCS gym.

A limited number of walk in orders are available on February 7th.

If you’re interested in volunteering to help make the enchiladas, call the CCS office at 308-632-2230 for details.

CCS is located at 511 W 14th St. in Scottsbluff.

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Christmas Dinner in the Valley
11:00 AM11:00

Christmas Dinner in the Valley

The annual Christmas Dinner in the Valley will be served on Christmas Day! Over the years, the dinner has experienced many changes, but the purpose has always remained the same - to glorify and honor God by showing love to others. The meal is free and open to the public for any reason: for those who may not be able to provide a meal, those who may be alone and want to share a meal with others, those who are working on Christmas day, and everyone in between.

There are three ways to enjoy Christmas Dinner:

  1. Together and in-person at Harvest Valley Church (743 Winter Creek Drive, Scottsbluff) from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Parking is in the main parking lot. No RSVP is necessary. This is free and open to the public!

  2. Meals can be picked up at The Guadalupe Center, 1200 East 9th Street, Scottsbluff at the 11.13 Ministries van from 11:30am to 12:30pm. No RSVP necessary. Free and open to the public!

  3. Sign up for a meal delivery to be hand-delivered to you at the location of your choice by one of our volunteers between 10 a.m. and noon on Christmas Day. Free and open to the public!

Click on this link to find out how you can volunteer, sign up to have a meal delivered, pick-up a meal, or dine inside.


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Christmas Eve Services at Mitchell Berean Church
4:00 PM16:00

Christmas Eve Services at Mitchell Berean Church

Mitchell Berean Church is offering two separate Christmas Eve service options!
One is at 2:00 PM and the other is at 4:00 PM on Christmas Eve.

Did you know that Jesus' birth fulfilled more than 300 prophecies about Him from the Old Testament? That's miraculous! Let's celebrate it together!

Childcare is provided up through age 3, and activity packs are available for all other children. We can't wait to share this special occasion with you and your family!

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Christmas Eve Services at Mitchell Berean Church
2:00 PM14:00

Christmas Eve Services at Mitchell Berean Church

Mitchell Berean Church is offering two separate Christmas Eve service options!
One is at 2:00 PM and the other is at 4:00 PM on Christmas Eve.

Did you know that Jesus' birth fulfilled more than 300 prophecies about Him from the Old Testament? That's miraculous! Let's celebrate it together!

Childcare is provided up through age 3, and activity packs are available for all other children. We can't wait to share this special occasion with you and your family!

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Christmas Service with the Rock Church at the SHS Auditorium
10:00 AM10:00

Christmas Service with the Rock Church at the SHS Auditorium

  • Scottsbluff Senior High School Auditorium (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join The Rock Church at the Scottsbluff High School Auditorium at 10am on Sunday, December 22nd, for a Christmas service that will ignite your spirit, fill your heart with joy, and surround you with people who are passionate about Jesus and each other.

The Rock Church is about helping you come fully alive by connecting with Jesus and a Christ-centered community.

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5:30 PM17:30

Free Soup Supper and Christmas Program at the Chuck Wagon Church

The Chuck Wagon Church at 1408 East 12th Street in Scottsbluff will be serving up a FREE soup supper and Christmas program on Saturday, December 21st at 5:30pm.

The program will feature Holiday Special Music by First Love, Acacia Originals, plus a puppet show. The puppets will perform the musical, “The Secret of Snowflake County”.

Invite all of your friends and family, everyone is welcome to enjoy the program and the FREE buffet of delicious soups.

For more information call 308-641-8567.

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