“The Bible is comprised of 66 different books written by about 40 authors over a period of about 1,500 years. It has nearly 1,200 chapters and over 30,000 verses. If you were to read a chapter each day, it would take over 3 years to read the entire Bible!” - Christianity Engaged

available at the cross reference library in scottsbluff:

Recommended for Purchase:

“Old Testament Summary” - The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast

“New Testament Summary” - The Ten Minute Bible Hour Podcast

What Tools Can We Use To Help Us Understand The Bible?” KCMI's Ask The Pastor 8/23/2021 Pastor Mike Clement.

“What does the Bible really teach about heaven, and what is heaven’s relationship to earth? In this video, we explore the surprising biblical viewpoint that heaven and earth were meant to overlap, and how Jesus is on a mission to bring them together once and for all.” - Bible Project

“This series explores the origins, content, and purpose of the Bible. Here you'll be introduced to some of the basic skills necessary for reading the bible effectively.”