What’s New in the Cross Reference Library? How to deal with the anxieties of life

To Fly Again - Like a violent microburst that threatens to down an aircraft, an unexpected crisis may rock your world and leave you wondering whether the life  you’ve known is over. Gracia Burnham understands those feelings. Reflecting on the horrific year she and her husband, Martin, spent as hostages in the Philippine jungle and her experiences since returning home, Gracia shares how she is rebuilding her life by God’s grace alone. You may be one of the many thousands who know the Burnham’s story, or perhaps you are seeking direction and hope in the midst of your own pain. This book addresses the confusion, fear, anger, anxiety, and loss of control that all people in crisis experience. It also illustrates how God longs to pour his grace into people with broken dreams and fill their life with new meaning and joy. 

Tips From the Author: “How do you survive the tailspins of life? Continue to walk with Jesus.”

  • “While we fantasize about what life might have been like without our difficult junctures, the truth is that these intersections are not abnormal. Jesus told his disciples that they will have many trials. That much is guaranteed.”

  • “The more we center ourselves on our true definition in God’s sight, not the possessions we have been able to gather or the esteem that others have given us, the more stable we will be in good times and bad.”

Reclaiming Quiet - In a restless and distracted world, the cultivation of quiet often feels abstract and impossible. But quiet is, and always has been, essential to spiritual life, the only way we can turn from the frenzy toward the peace for which we were created. Reclaiming Quiet is an invitation to discover the profound, daily joy of resisting  patterns of anxiety and hurry and cultivating a life of holy attention instead. With practical strategies to address our use of screens or fear of silence and compassionate ideas to nourish stillness, listening, and rest, this book explores: 

  • What it means to become a person who listens each day for God’s voice before all others

  • How to reclaim wonder in prayer

  • How to cultivate an interior life

Quiet is not for specialists or the ultra-disciplined. It’s not limited to those who have great swathes of time. Quiet is our inner native land, the place to which we turn to find God already waiting, calling us beloved, and drawing us homeward into a life of holy and joyous attention.