What’s New in the Cross Reference Library? Lessons to Learn

Unquestioned Answers - Have you heard these Christian cliches or found yourself using them? These simplistic statements often go unquestioned. But are they actually true? What do they really mean? Join Dr. Jeff Myers to rethink ten popular Christian cliches: 

  1. “Just have faith.”

  2. “It’s just me and Jesus.”

  3. “It’s not my place to judge.” 

  4. “Love the sinner, hate the sin.”

  5. “This world has nothing for me.”

  6. “Jesus was a social justice warrior.”

  7. “God said it; I believe it; that settles it.”

  8. “Christianity is a relationship, not a religion.” 

  9. “God will heal our land if we humble ourselves and pray.”

  10. “God is good all the time—all the time God is good.”

Go beyond unquestioned answers to dip deep into biblical truth. 

Blessin’s and Lessons - A very wise man once said, “Our God specializes in working through normal people who believe in a supernatural God who will do His work through them.” This book is about some of those people who are so worth knowing and about the remarkable and wonderful things God was able to do through them. At the same time, God was teaching them His ways. Lessons are sometimes long and hard, but it is possible to cut down the learning time by learning from others. Lessons have been included in hopes that you will make more rapid progress in your goal to become a person God can work through to show His power to this generation and His glory to the generations yet to come.