What's in the Cross Reference Library? Donna VanLiere Christmas Books!

The Christmas Hope - Patricia and Mark Addison have long given up the hope of having a meaningful Christmas. But this year, Patricia’s job as a social worker will lead her to a very special five-year-old: Emily. Against her better judgment, Patricia bends the rules and takes the little girl into her own home. Through the presence of Emily in their house, and her penetrating questions about heaven, the Addisons will learn that there is no sorrow so great that faith cannot help you find your way through. And Christmas will once more be a time of warmth in their home. The Christmas Hope is a story of love in the face of loss, joy when all seems hopeless, and how light can shine into the darkest places. 

The Christmas Shoes - Robert is a successful attorney who has everything in life—and nothing at all. Focused on professional achievement and material rewards, Robert is on the brink of losing his marriage. He has lost sight of his wife, Kate, their two daughters, and ultimately, himself. Eight-year-old Nathan has a beloved mother, Maggie, whom he is losing to cancer. But Nathan and his family are building a simple yet full life and struggling to hold onto every moment they have together. A chance meeting on Christmas Eve brings Robert and Nathan together—he is shopping for a family he hardly knows, and Nathan is shopping for a mother he is soon to lose. In this one encounter, their lives are forever altered as Robert learns an important lesson: Sometimes the smallest things can make all the difference. The Christmas Shoes, a tale of our shared humanity, is a universal story of the deeper meaning of serendipity and of how a power greater than ourselves can shape, and even save, our lives.