Help us replace our transmitter and antenna

We made it! On February 28th, 2024 we were able to purchase a new Transmitter for our tower. We Praise God for His continuous blessings on our station and for letting KCMI minister to the Valley for 43 years. Our new transmitter will be installed on October 29th, 2024. With this new transmitter we hope to continue spreading the Gospel in the Valley and around the world for another 40 years! Thank you to all of our generous donors who have made this purchase possible!

Located 6 miles south of Gering in a pasture on Stage Hill sits the KCMI tower and transmitter. At the top of our 298 foot tower is an 8-bay antenna that propels our signal to the north, south, east, and west.

If you look closely at the top of our tower, you can see the black rings (bays) attached to our antenna that help propel our signal to cover a great distance. You can help us replace this 30+ year old antenna.

The radio signal coming from our 23,000 watt transmitter is boosted to 100,000 watts!

We are able to reach listeners all over the panhandle of Nebraska and into Wyoming. Hope Radio covers an area of more than 17,500 miles, spanning from Crawford, NE in the north to just south of Kimball, NE. From east to west Hope Radio reaches Oshkosh, NE to Gurnsey, WY. KCMI 97.1 FM is now able to reach more than 79,000 people in total.

Our transmitter was built back in 1990 and has been serving the Platte Valley ever since. In recent years, however, problems have begun to arise with parts of the transmitter. The age of the transmitter makes it difficult, and expensive, to find the proper parts to make the repairs. A new transmitter would take less time and money. And it would help the radio station continue to play live.

Replacing our current transmitter also means that we must replace our antenna, which is over 30 years old. These changes are expected to cost $150,000. We have a little over $100,000 raised, but we need your help to close the gap. Thank you for helping us with this need. Your support will insure that we continue to tell people about Jesus for many more years to come!

Text GIVE to 844-626-0574

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