"By God's Grace Mobile Meals" prepares and delivers over 400 free hot meals to the front doors of our local friends in need. Helping hands are always needed...please consider volunteering 60 - 90 minutes to help plate the food or make non-contact deliveries. Call 308-225-1827 to volunteer.
Gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer are provided to all food handlers and drivers.
If you know someone in need of a meal, please call that same phone number and we'll happily add them to the list. There is no criteria to meet....that you think a meal is needed is enough.
Where: Harvest Valley Church
743 Winter Creek Drive
When: Saturday, September 24th at 10:30am
By God's Grace Mobile Meals is a mission of 11.13 Ministries. We exist to put God's love into action by providing spiritual, physical, and emotional aid, in many forms, to those in need. We promote the good news of Jesus Christ and strive to bring glory to God.
To God the glory!!